The green hat is the energy, think of vegetation and growth.
We modify and suggest ideas.
The expectation is also very important, people are very good at doing what is expected from them.
Under this hat, you need to put out your possibilities.
We can advise them to remove the black hat and put on the green hat give and suggest some ideas.
We replace judgment with movement.
Antibiotics arose from the accidental contamination of culture dish with the e penicillin mold.
The word “po” acts in the same way as the green hat device.
A thinker with green hat can come up with crazy ideas.
Example: - po cars should have square wheels.
Po shoppers should be paid to buy things.
It is a personality and a skill.
Provocation is an important part of green hat thinking and symbolizes with the word “po”
Think of the blue sky above, “think of ‘overview’.
Thinking about thinking is the use of the blue hat.
The blue hat is like the conductor of the orchestra.
The conductor gets the best out the conductor.
It sets thinking strategy.
It is worn by both facilitator and other if needed.
Thinking always drift and waffle, and is used for support, not for explanation.
Questioning is done in two ways
1)Fishing and 2) Shooting
1) Fishing is nothing but not knowing what might turn up.
2)Shooting is nothing but aiming at a point, it may miss or not.
A thinking task cannot be carried out then the note of the failure to be made.
It’s a final decision maker.
If thinking is clear and simple it becomes enjoyable and effective.
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