PART - 1
Hello guys, this post is a summary, description and key points on the book.
The first part contains about the first two hats and its a trilogy.
Ever wonder of buying hats !! of course everyone does but do you know that there is a practice called six thinking hats method which helps you to perceive, deliberate and reside in difficult ways of life it's like the alternate option its the views and the reviews which you see and others don't see and read.
Edward DE Bono
Edward de Bono invented the concept of lateral thinking.
He is a world-renowned writer and philosopher is a Maltese physician, psychologist, Born 19 may 1933.
In this book MR.BONO tells us how six thinking hats method may well be the most important change in human thinking for the past 20 years.
He tells us how to use the six thinking hats method and how it has spread all over the world.
He differentiates between argument and parallel thinking
Socrates saw his role as simply pointing out what was wrong,
He wanted to clarify the correct use of concepts like justice and love by pointing out incorrect usage.
Aristotle logic is that we put together the boxes like definitions, categories or principles when we
come across something we judge into one of the boxes.
It can be in the box or not but not half in and half out nor could be anywhere.
He also tells us how it changes the world, directions of the hats, directions not descriptions, removal
of ego and the results.
Confusion is the biggest enemy of good easy to toss one ball at a time than juggling six balls at a time.
This is called means that you can’t sensitize different directions at a time.
So this is where the method comes in to picture.
Each hat represents each type of behavior.
We are going to suboptimal all of them by using six thinking hats method.
The color of each hat is also related to its function.
WHITE HAT - Neutral, concerned only with facts and figures
RED HAT - it suggests rage and emotions.
BLACK HAT - it is somber and serious.
YELLOW HAT -it is sunny and positive.
GREEN HAT -it is for creativity and new ideas.
BLUE HAT - it is cool and above everything.
He also mentioned about the rules, guidelines and the structure of the hats how we need to follow.
The order and the structure is a follows.
The first hat, what does a white color represents to you??
To me it represents a plain paper it means that it is empty so you need to provide some data or information.
Without it, you cannot start to think.
This hat is just to put facts and figures on the table and to proceed further with the thinking process.
But we need to know the following before we prolong.
- · What information do we have?
- · What information do we need?
- · What information is missing?
- · What questions do we need to ask?
- · How are we going to get the information?
This hat is suitable for a lawyer how he asks the witness and gets the information from him Because the white hat idiom is convenient.
Mr.Jones did you actually see the defendant gambling on the night of 30th June or did he tell you he had been gambling?
No, your honor.But he was gambling almost every night.
Mr.Jones if you are wearing a white hat what might you have said.
I observed the defendant returning to his apartment at 6:30 in the morning on 1st July.
It is fact like likelihood and it has to types of facts one checked and unchecked facts(beliefs).
We should make the map first as above questions.
There are ways to express some of them are
- Always true
- Usually true
- Generally true
- Often
- Sometimes true
- Never true
- Cannot be true (contradictory)
Examples all the experts predict the interest rate will fall by the end of the year.
I talked to four experts they all predicted that interested that interest rate will fall by the end of the year.
It talked to Mr.X, Mr.Y, Mr.Z and Mr. A all of then predicted that the interested rate will fall by the end of the year.
Here we see three level of perceptions even the third one is not good enough, I need to know when you talk to the experts.
Ask someone or everyone to put on the white hat and get the information and select the best one among them.
The thinker strives to be more neutral and more objective in the presentation of information.
Think of fire, think of warmth and feeling.
It gives you an opportunity to express your feelings.
They enter in any way you merely disguise them as logic.
It puts forward institution and is based on a lot of experience.
Example:- I feel this is the right person for this job.
I feel this is a right venture.
Those feelings are useful. However, the institution is not necessarily always right. Even great Einstein’s the institution was wrong when he dismissed Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
Feelings of love it, like it, neutral, uncertain etc are some of the feelings.
These expressions and feeling may vary from culture to culture.
In Japan feelings are expressed in a very low-key way:-
Ex:-I must think about it.Anyone who wants to express their feelings can put on the red hat.
Difficulty arises on 3 counts
One – The proposed course of action really work out to satisfy the expressed desires.
Two- The satisfaction of the desires of one party is at the expense of the other party.
Three- Difficulty is that conflict between short-term and long-term satisfaction.
It helps you to think as a listener-" How you feel about this matter"
When a thinker is wearing the red hat, there should never be any attempt to justify the feeling or to provide a logical basis for them.
Where an opinion has a large measure of this type of feeling, it can also be considered under the red hat.
To be continued...
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