Simon O. Sinek (born October 9, 1973)  is a British/American author, motivational speaker, and marketing consultant. He is the author of four books including the 2009 bestseller Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action (2009).
Sinek was born in Wimbledon in the UK and resided in Hong Kong and Johannesburg as well as London, before moving to the United States.

If we are starting with the wrong questions, if we don't understand the cause then eventually the right answer will always steer us wrong eventually.

Ex:- Wright brothers and Langley, steve jobs and Martin Luther King are the best examples how they started thinking about "start with why".

Leaders who do something very very special they inspire us.

Assume we know we make decisions based on what we think we know.

Manipulation Vs Inspiration

Price:- How much are you willing to pay for the money you make. 

Promotion:- That little something extra is something all it takes to tip the scale.

Fear:- It is a powerful manipulation.

Aspiration:-Marketers often talk about the aspirational message tempt toward something desirable.

Novelty:- How they do it, for example, a toothpaste company has 32 types of toothpaste excluding children toothpaste.

Manipulations leads to transactions not loyalty.

Need to ask your self -"how great leaders inspire action and why good leaders make you feel safe"


WHAT:- everybody knows what to do whether it is small or big organization and there should be consistency in "what"

HOW:-some companies and people know how they do what they do.

WHY:- very few companies can articulate why they do what they do.

We say what we do, we sometimes say how we do it but we rarely say why we do and what we do.

People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it

This is not an opinion, this is a biology

The story of Sneetches with stars on their bellies.

Sneetches capture a very basic human need - they need to belong.
(Do read the stories of Sneetches it's interesting)

It's what you cant see that matter.

Get your whites whiter and your brights brighter - tv commercial of a detergent

The discipline of How 

Why do you do what you do?discipline to never  veer from your cause, to hold yourself accountable for how you do the thing

Examples:- Herb Kelleher - the visionary behind Southwest Airlines.

                Tivo (its likes step box were u can record u daily soap operas and watch when you have time.)
                Competitors-founder of Netscape-sonic blue but lead to bankruptcy.

How tipping point tips

By the above curve, you can visually perceive how people consider the product and what they are when a product is launched.

The people who are innovators are the people who think about "why" and innovates something that is useful.

Early adopters are the people who get adapts to the product that innovators invent.

The early majority these are the ones who try after everyone one else.

Late majority are practical-minded

Laggards are the people who left behind.

Know Why.Know How.Then What

Why exist because it controls feeling and decision making but not a language but what refers to rational thought and language.

Communication is also important in an organization it's not a matter of speaking its a matter of speaking.

An organization can use a logo to tell what they are.

Achievement is a pursue which attains what you want and Success is a clear pursuit to tell you why you want it.


Discover why you will know what to do with why.

LINKS:- click on the links below



              Video of Sneetches go through it !!!!
