
Showing posts from December, 2017


START WITH WHY INTRODUCTION Simon O. Sinek  (born October 9, 1973)  is a British/American author, motivational speaker, and marketing consultant. He is the author of four books including the 2009 bestseller  Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action  (2009). Sinek was born in Wimbledon in the UK and resided in Hong Kong and Johannesburg as well as London, before moving to the United States. OVERVIEW If we are starting with the wrong questions, if we don't understand the cause then eventually the right answer will always steer us wrong eventually. Ex:- Wright brothers and Langley, steve jobs and Martin Luther King are the best examples how they started thinking about "start with why". Leaders who do something very very special they inspire us. Assume we know we make decisions based on what we think we know. Manipulation Vs Inspiration Price:- How much are you willing to pay for the money you make.  Promotion:- That...